Koh Pich 2003 vs 2019

From years to years, there have always been developments in a country. So, has Cambodia? Phnom Penh is a city where growth can be seen. Koh Pich, an island in Phnom Penh can prove that this country has really become a better place. In 2019, a land that was barely seen with houses has covered with beautiful buildings and roads. In just 16 years, this place has evolved so much from 2003 until nowadays. 

Koh Pich 2003 vs 2019

The Geography of Cambodia

2017 – 2018

Geography Exploration

Geography was an exploration where we create a book about the geography of Cambodia. Also, it was the first time that juniors were able to create an incredible book. I was in one of the teams to go and research the central and northern part of Cambodia which are Tboung Khmum, Kampong Cham, Kampong Thom, Siem Reap, Preah Vihear, and Oddar Mean Chey provinces. The exploration was divided into three sections which are before the trip, during the trip, and after the trip. 

Before the Trip

During that time, we were gathering information and data to form documentation about the provinces. There were five main pieces of information that we researched throughout this section which included physical systems, human system and movement, environment and society, location in spatial terms and lastly, places and regions. We were divided into five teams due to the amount of data that we needed. To kept track of all the information that we found, we used Google Drive which is really helpful. 

During the Journey

Throughout the trip to these provinces, we have interviewed lots of different people for their life story to later choose one and insert it into the documentation for each province. Besides, we also went to some of the famous places such as Angkor Wat, Tonle Sap Lake, Santuk Mountain, Phnom Pros and Phnom Srey Mountain and many other tourist attractions. We have taken lots of photos to use them for later purposes. The other goal of the trip was to explore the provinces and later predict what will happen in the future. 

After Traveling

After we get back from the trip, we gathered the information that we need from all the data that we’ve collected to put into the documentation. We used the interview that we got and turned it into a human life story. We assembled the information that we thought is good to include in the documentation. In the end, we were able to collect all the information and data that we need to create the book. 

The goal of creating the Geography of Cambodia is for government students to use it as a resource for their education but also for tourist to use it as their guide to Cambodia. 


The Geography of Cambodia

The Geography of Cambodia has now been published and is available in Monument Bookstore. Because our goal is to help government students, Liger students are able to bring one copy of the books for a government school in their hometown. I was able to give one to the school that I’ve learned before entering Liger and the people there were really grateful for it. Some of the books were sold out too. Lastly, I hope that this book can help lots of people to get to know more about Cambodia and appreciate this country for what we have.